Best Practices¶
Parallel Execution¶
There are times when it may be useful to pull in large amounts of data at once. The most effective way to do this when calling the CoinMetrics API is to split your request into many different queries. This functionality is now built into the API Client directly to allow for faster data export:
import os
from coinmetrics.api_client import CoinMetricsClient
if __name__ == '__main__':
client = CoinMetricsClient(os.environ['CM_API_KEY'])
coinbase_eth_markets = [market['market'] for market in client.catalog_market_candles(exchange="coinbase", base="eth")]
start_time = "2022-03-01"
end_time = "2023-05-01"
This feature splits the request into multiple threads and either store them in separate files (in the case of .parallel().export_to_csv_files()
and .parallel().export_to_json_files
or combine them all into one file or data structure (in the case of .parallel().to_list()
, .parallel().to_dataframe()
). It's important to know that in order to send more requests per second to the CoinMetrics
this uses the parallel tasks features in Python's concurrent.futures
package. This means when using this feature, the API Client will use significantly more resources and may approach
the Coin Metrics rate limits.
In terms of resource usage and speed, these usages are in order from most performant to least:
* .export_to_json_files()
* .export_to_csv_files()
* .to_list()
* .export_to_json()
* .to_dataframe()
Splitting Parameter Queries¶
There is a feature time_increment
that can be used to split a single query into many based on time range, and then
combine them later. Consider this example where we speed up getting a 2 months worth of BTC ReferenceRateUSD data into
many parallel threads to create a dataframe faster:
import datetime
import os
from coinmetrics.api_client import CoinMetricsClient
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
client = CoinMetricsClient(os.environ.get("CM_API_KEY"))
start_time =
assets = ["btc", "eth", "sol"]
if __name__ == '__main__':
print(f"Time taken parallel: { - start_time}")
start_time =
so that means we will split the threads up by month, in
addition to by asset. So this will run a total 36 separate threads, 12 threads for each month x 3 threads for each asset.
The difference it takes in time is dramatic:
Exporting to dataframe type: 100%|██████████| 36/36 [00:00<00:00, 54.62it/s]
Time taken parallel: 0:00:36.654147
Time taken normal: 0:05:20.073826
Please note that for short time periods you can pass in a time_increment
with datetime.timedelta
to specify up to
several weeks, for larger time frames you can use dateutil.relativedelta.relativedelta
in order to split requests
up by increments of months or years.
General Parallelization Guidelines¶
- If you are using a small
and trying to export a large number amount of, this will be your biggest bottleneck. Generally the fastestpage_size
- If you are unsure why an action is taking a long time, running the CoinMetricsClient using
can give better insight into what is happening under the hood - The parallel feature is best used when you are exporting a large amount of data, that can be split by query params into
many smaller requests. A good example of this is market candles over a long time frame - if you are querying hundreds
of markets and are sure there will be data, using
can have a huge performance increase, if you are just querying a single market you will not see a difference - The parallel feature is highly configurable, there is several configuration options that may be suitable for advanced
users like tweaking the
parameter, or changing the defaultProcessPoolExecutor
to aThreadPoolExectuor
- Using multithreaded code is inherently more complex, it will be harder to debug issues with long running queries when running parallel exports compared to normal single threaded code
- For that reason, this tool is best suited for exporting historical data rather than supporting a real time production system.
- The methods that create separate files for each thread will be the safest and most performant to use -
. Using the methods that return a single output -.export_to_csv()
, and.export_to_dataframe()
need to join the data from many threads before it can be returned, this may use a lot of memory if you are accessing data types like market orderbooks or market trades and could fail altogether - If using
functions, note that by default they will be saved in the directory format/{endpoint}/{parallelize_on}
. For example, inexport_to_json_files()
will create a file each like ./market-trades/coinbase-eth-btc-spot.json, ./market-trades/coinbase-eth-usdc-spot.jsonclient.get_asset_metrics('btc,eth', 'ReferenceRateUSD', start_time='2024-01-01', limit_per_asset=1).parallel("assets,metrics", time_increment=timedelta(days=1))
will create a file each like ./asset-metrics/btc/ReferenceRateUSD/start_time=2024-01-01T00-00-00Z.json, ./asset-metrics/eth/ReferenceRateUSD/start_time=2024-01-01T00-00-00Z.json - If you get the error
it might be because you're missing a main() function